[DPRK] North Korea’s New UAV, Saetbyol-9 is Unveiled

[Fig. 1] North Korea’s new unmanned aerial vehicle unveiled on July 7, 2023, at the Military Parade.
      • Length : 20m
      • Width : 11m
      • Height : 3.8m
      • Weight : 2t (E) / 4.7t (M)
      • Engine : 900hp
      • Maximum Speed : 400~480km/h
      • Flight Altitude : 15,000m
      • Armament : Hard Point * 6

Why did the North Koreans choose the number 9 for their name?

Because it’s a direct rip-off of the MQ-9 Reaper.
The name is similar and the shape is the same.
The head with the satellite dishes, the optical detection equipment, the position of the communication antennas, the number of propeller blades…

Everything is in the same position as the Reaper.

It’s the result of reverse engineering.
Iranian-backed ‘Houthi’ rebels in Yemen shot down an MQ-9A Reaper unmanned aerial vehicle with an SA-6 surface-to-air missile near the Yemeni capital Sanaa and collected its wreckage. (U.S. Central Command, October 1, 2017)

North Korea has exchanged technology for its Scud missiles with Iran, indicating military cooperation with Iran. Therefore, it is likely that North Korea obtained information about U.S. drones from Iran.

[Fig. 2] Armament of Saetbyol-9 (Korean DTV broadcast)

The missiles also appear to be Iranian-made Qaem-114 missiles, a knockoff version of the Hellfire missile.

North Korea is showing confidence by unveiling weapons it hasn’t shown before 2023.
According to an August 4, 2023, report by the National Intelligence Service’s National Security Strategy Institute, it is as if North Korea will only use the new unmanned aircraft for localized provocations.

Experts at a South Korean defense think tank are questioning the capabilities of a new drone developed by North Korea. They argue that it will not have the performance of a drone like the US military’s MQ-9.
What is clear, however, is that as North Korea’s military threat evolves, the ROK Armed Forces will need to strengthen its response capabilities.

North Korea would not use the drones for localized provocations.
This appears to be a significant revision of North Korea’s military tactics against South Korea.

After destroying the South Korean air defense network, the North Korean military would seize control of the supply lines and then assist North Korean ground troops traveling south with the drones to conduct bombing operations.

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