[DPRK] Kim Jong-un is figuring out “Maximum Lethal Altitude”


.On August 31, 2023, North Korean media reported on the launch of a KN-24 ballistic missile the day before (August 30), stating, “We detonated (the missile) at a set altitude of 400 meters over the target island.”

air explotion
[Fig. 1] A strategic cruise missile flies 1500 kilometers in a figure of eight for about 2 hours and 7-8 minutes before detonating 150 meters above a target island in the West Sea. [DPRK Central News Agency]
      • March, 19, Firing the KN-23, 150m
      • August, 30, Firing the KN-24, 400m
      • September, 2, Firing the Type Arrow-1,2, 150m

North Korea fired a long-range strategic cruise missile, believed to be an Arrow-1-2 type, into the West Sea on February 2.

“It was detonated at a set altitude of 150 meters above the target island,” North Korean broadcasters reported.

North Korea’s Arrow-1-2 is capable of carrying a 10-kiloton tactical nuclear warhead.

In North Korea’s public statements following recent missile tests, the word “aerial detonation” has been a recurring theme.

They reportedly conducted nuclear strike missions with varying airburst altitudes for the missiles, ranging from 150 meters to 800 meters.

Why would North Korea release test altitudes?

Most notably, North Korea has begun to disclose the altitude of its aerial detonations.

In its March 19 test of the “North Korean version of the Iskander” KN-23 ballistic missile, North Korea said it had set a detonation altitude of 800 meters and “verified the operation of the nuclear explosion controller and detonator.

It followed up with a strategic cruise missile test on March 22 with a 600-meter detonation altitude.

Five days later, on March 27, the KN-24 was test-fired with a detonation altitude of 500 meters.

North Korea is working on finding the optimal altitude for aerial explosions for ‘customized’ strikes.

The nuclear bombs dropped by the United States on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, in World War II. It had yields of 16 and 21 kilotons, respectively, and exploded at an altitude of about 500 meters.

‘Kim Jong-un’ is currently looking for the “most dangerous altitude”.

It will cause the most human and material damage to the South.

North Korea – China – Russia, Trilateral Military Coordination.

When the military coordination of the three countries is in full swing, such as the joint North Korea-China-Russia drills, North Korea could cross the red line.

In other words, it could escalate the level of provocation to the brink of all-out war through a tactical nuclear strike.

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